Creativity Spreads September Review

We began our September meeting with a social, and it was great to talk with and see so many of our friends. Our topic for the evening was understanding the importance of color theory in art and photography.


Primary Colors: Red, Yellow and Blue
are primary colors because they cannot be made using any other colors.


Secondary Colors: Orange, Green and Purple
are made blending 2 primary colors together.

Tertiary Colors: are all other colors in the color wheel, and created by blending any primary and secondary colors together.

Analogous Colors: sit next to each other on the color wheel. example: autumn colors of reds, yellows and oranges.

Creative Challenge for October

  1. Create an image where one primary color is dominant.

  2. Create an image using 2 secondary colors.

  3. Create an image using analogous colors.

Submit your photos to by October 26, 2020.
1000px on the long side and 72dpi

Register for October’s webinar:

Wednesday, Oct 28, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Creativity Spreads October
Register in advance for this webinar: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Here is a video of all the amazing FROZEN images submitted for September’s challenge. Excellent creative work photographers!